6 8 10 13 16 19 21 7 1 18 17 2 9 15 14 3 12 20 11 4 5
  1. 1a English-American Hollywood star, born Alexander Archibald Leach, d.1986 (4,5)
  2. 8a Be of use to (5)
  3. 9a Island where Napoleon was born (7)
  4. 10a Church service in late afternoon (8)
  5. 11a A biped has two (4)
  6. 13a Been there, done that and bought this? (1-5)
  7. 14a Car part (6)
  8. 16a Those few who stay on after the others have left or been forced out (4)
  9. 17a Sounding sheepish? (8)
  10. 19a War paint for eyelashes? (7)
  11. 20a Should (5)
  12. 21a Over (9)
  13. 1d Painful facial lump or blister (4,4)
  14. 2d Formally disavow a belief once held (6)
  15. 3d What might develop into something substantial? (4)
  16. 4d Place's rising (anag) — Australian town (5,7)
  17. 5d A riot's target (anag) — Tower of London entrance from the Thames (8,4)
  18. 6d Accept my word for it! (4,2,4,2)
  19. 7d Accept the consequences of one's actions (4,3,5)
  20. 12d Barely manage (3,5)
  21. 15d Acid neutraliser (6)
  22. 18d Penny ___ (1967 Beatles song) (4)