1 9 11 14 21 22 24 17 2 15 8 18 3 4 12 23 5 10 16 19 25 6 20 7 13
  1. 1a Track (4)
  2. 3a Drink before dinner (8)
  3. 9a ___ Man (1965 Beatles song) (7)
  4. 10a Young women (5)
  5. 11a Spring-blooming perennial flower (from Amsterdam?) (5)
  6. 12a From Kolkata, perhaps (6)
  7. 14a Author of Mrs Dalloway (1925) and To the Lighthouse (1927) (8,5)
  8. 17a Mountainous region of central Italy (6)
  9. 19a Embodiment of perfection (5)
  10. 22a Noblemen (5)
  11. 23a Annoying — tedious (7)
  12. 24a Unable to make a decision (8)
  13. 25a Attempt (4)
  14. 1d Inflicting punishment (8)
  15. 2d Cloth for drying (5)
  16. 4d Rain, snow, sleet or hail (13)
  17. 5d Fixed (5)
  18. 6d Violent local windstorm (7)
  19. 7d Bunch of fives (4)
  20. 8d Ancient temple, home to Greece's foremost Oracle (6)
  21. 13d Wealthy (8)
  22. 15d Comments (7)
  23. 16d Scotch (6)
  24. 18d Trees (anag) (5)
  25. 20d Historical era (5)
  26. 21d Interlaced structure (4)