7 9 16 17 20 22 1 12 13 2 18 3 10 23 8 11 21 4 14 19 5 15 6
  1. 1a Zimbabwean president, 1987-2017 (6)
  2. 4a Boy's name — a long way (5)
  3. 7a Fights (6)
  4. 8a Pollen-producing part of a flower (6)
  5. 9a Yemen's chief port (4)
  6. 10a Okayed (8)
  7. 12a Not properly tuned (11)
  8. 17a Postponed (8)
  9. 19a Highly strung (4)
  10. 20a Slackness (6)
  11. 21a Pay back (6)
  12. 22a Unfortunately (5)
  13. 23a Poisonous snakes (6)
  14. 1d Road surface (7)
  15. 2d Light anchor — real GNP (anag) (7)
  16. 3d Nonparticipant (9)
  17. 4d Of small importance (5)
  18. 5d Normandy port (2,5)
  19. 6d Walk with long steps (6)
  20. 11d Looted (9)
  21. 13d Attached (7)
  22. 14d Foot-operated lever (7)
  23. 15d Stray from the subject (7)
  24. 16d Grown-ups (6)
  25. 18d Irritable (5)