1 9 11 15 21 23 12 2 16 3 13 4 8 10 17 22 24 5 18 6 19 14 7 20
  1. 1a Probabilities (7)
  2. 8a Violent criminal (7)
  3. 9a Core — scent (7)
  4. 10a North African capital (7)
  5. 11a Dulcet — dessert (5)
  6. 13a Tired out (9)
  7. 15a One bringing a lawsuit (9)
  8. 18a Fifty-fifty (5)
  9. 21a Vagrant — fishing boat (7)
  10. 22a State bordering (New) Mexico (7)
  11. 23a Milk sugar (7)
  12. 24a Beneficiary of a will (7)
  13. 1d A game with mates (5)
  14. 2d Part of a church running parallel to the nave (5)
  15. 3d Dismay (13)
  16. 4d Kind of dress that is fairly straight but fitted around the waist and hips (6)
  17. 5d Enduring without complaint (4-9)
  18. 6d Able to express oneself easily and well (6)
  19. 7d Entertained (6)
  20. 12d Something pulled over one's eyes? (4)
  21. 14d Island Napoleon left to meet his Waterloo? (4)
  22. 15d Propel a canoe (6)
  23. 16d Per person (6)
  24. 17d Mediterranean country (6)
  25. 19d German submarine (1-4)
  26. 20d Depart (5)