1 8 10 15 17 21 23 2 12 18 3 13 9 19 4 24 5 11 20 22 6 14 7 16
  1. 1a Front of a building (6)
  2. 4a Maintain (6)
  3. 8a Express great joy (5)
  4. 9a Simple songs (7)
  5. 10a Attire (7)
  6. 11a Author of The Iliad (5)
  7. 12a Yeoman warder of the Tower of London (9)
  8. 17a Seraglio (5)
  9. 19a Speech defect (7)
  10. 21a Amused (7)
  11. 22a Provided (5)
  12. 23a Allowing liquid or gas to pass (6)
  13. 24a Positively charged conductors (6)
  14. 1d Savage (6)
  15. 2d Unit of electric charge (7)
  16. 3d Get rid of (5)
  17. 5d Attempt to hit an easy target (7)
  18. 6d Narcotic derived from poppies (5)
  19. 7d Wish (6)
  20. 9d Scattered (9)
  21. 13d ___ Harris, US country singer, b. 1947 (7)
  22. 14d Taken away (7)
  23. 15d Stop speaking (4,2)
  24. 16d Tines (6)
  25. 18d Happen again (5)
  26. 20d Inert gas (5)