7 9 13 16 5 18 1 10 2 8 15 14 3 12 11 4 17 6
  1. 5a Growing smaller (11)
  2. 7a One of five at a birth (4)
  3. 8a Tree whose leaves are eaten by silkworms (8)
  4. 9a Pacify (7)
  5. 11a Florida resort city (5)
  6. 13a Jumping firework (5)
  7. 14a Person who works underwater using a portable air supply (7)
  8. 16a Submissive (8)
  9. 17a Small medicine bottle (4)
  10. 18a Impulse to steal (11)
  11. 1d Prayer ending (4)
  12. 2d Living (7)
  13. 3d Lamps (anag) — song (5)
  14. 4d Becoming more mature (8)
  15. 5d Chop-chop (6,5)
  16. 6d Mixture of spices used in curries — am a gas alarm (anag) (5,6)
  17. 10d Colder (8)
  18. 12d Paper folding art (7)
  19. 15d LX — highest possible score with one dart (5)
  20. 17d Device that rotates to show the direction of the wind (4)