1 8 10 15 17 21 23 2 12 18 3 13 9 19 4 24 5 11 20 22 6 14 7 16
  1. 1a Church room for keeping sacred vessels and garments (6)
  2. 4a Fixed (6)
  3. 8a Pretence with intent to deceive (5)
  4. 9a Two-wheeled vehicle with pedals (7)
  5. 10a Two-wheeled toy with floorboard (7)
  6. 11a Purchaser (5)
  7. 12a Bemused (9)
  8. 17a Automaton (5)
  9. 19a Laborious effort (7)
  10. 21a Plumber's friend? (7)
  11. 22a Surface, perhaps carpeted (5)
  12. 23a Disprove (6)
  13. 24a Sinuous and seductive (informal) (6)
  14. 1d Small suitcase (6)
  15. 2d By-product (4-3)
  16. 3d Rectify (5)
  17. 5d Container used by children for taking food to boarding school (7)
  18. 6d Tawdry (5)
  19. 7d Dark sour morello fruit used in cooking (6)
  20. 9d Atmospheric pressure measurer (9)
  21. 13d Anxious and controlling (7)
  22. 14d Coerce (7)
  23. 15d Textile fabrics seller (6)
  24. 16d Sudden commotion (6)
  25. 18d Attempted deception (5)
  26. 20d Shocking (5)