7 9 11 14 18 21 1 24 2 12 3 19 22 4 13 17 15 5 16 20 6 10 23 8
  1. 1a Charades, for example (7,4)
  2. 9a Embedded (9)
  3. 10a Junk (3)
  4. 11a Soil's organic component (5)
  5. 13a Ledger for recording transactions as they occur (7)
  6. 14a Sudden arrival (of people or water?) (6)
  7. 15a Kiss and cuddle (6)
  8. 18a US state — Black Sea state (7)
  9. 20a Regal (5)
  10. 21a Sign of the zodiac (3)
  11. 22a Large broad-bladed weapon (9)
  12. 24a Men's underwear (5,6)
  13. 2d Snake (3)
  14. 3d Negotiates between parties (7)
  15. 4d Disordered (6)
  16. 5d Devout (5)
  17. 6d Legends and sagas, in general (9)
  18. 7d The Lady with the Lamp, d. 1910 (11)
  19. 8d Person or organisation with an interest in something (11)
  20. 12d Venetian travel writer, who may (or may not) have served Kublai Khan, d. 1324 (5,4)
  21. 16d Dark cherry (7)
  22. 17d Carnivorous insect, which rests as if in prayer (6)
  23. 19d Part between sloping sides of a roof (5)
  24. 23d Relevant (3)