1 9 11 15 21 23 12 2 16 3 13 4 8 10 17 22 24 5 18 6 19 14 7 20
  1. 1a Ignite again (7)
  2. 8a Route regularly used by commercial vessels (3,4)
  3. 9a Seed men (anag) — land attached to a property and retained for the owner's personal use (7)
  4. 10a Israeli city (3,4)
  5. 11a Feeling of dissatisfaction (5)
  6. 13a Where the king can't move (9)
  7. 15a Seville's region (9)
  8. 18a Anthropoid (5)
  9. 21a Paint-mixing board (7)
  10. 22a Moralist (7)
  11. 23a Material containing ferric metal (4,3)
  12. 24a How to cook chips (4-3)
  13. 1d Long raised strip (5)
  14. 2d Fruit squeezed on Pancake Day? (5)
  15. 3d Hand signal? (13)
  16. 4d Type of fly (6)
  17. 5d Consume a huge amount of food (3,4,1,5)
  18. 6d Riga's country (6)
  19. 7d Artist's work (6)
  20. 12d Indian bread (4)
  21. 14d Roman garment (4)
  22. 15d Live-in young foreigner expected to do household chores (2,4)
  23. 16d Large shapeless lump (6)
  24. 17d Exuded (6)
  25. 19d Theme (5)
  26. 20d Fool (5)