6 8 10 13 16 19 21 7 1 18 17 2 9 15 14 3 12 20 11 4 5
  1. 1a Risk-taker (9)
  2. 8a Insensitive (5)
  3. 9a Youngster’s all-in-one (7)
  4. 10a Add water (8)
  5. 11a Calf-length (4)
  6. 13a Less sophisticated (6)
  7. 14a Belt with a place for valuables (6)
  8. 16a Intense longing (4)
  9. 17a Involving the arts (8)
  10. 19a Winding (someone) up (7)
  11. 20a Encounters (5)
  12. 21a One’s sometimes attached to a pet (3,6)
  13. 1d Take issue (with) (8)
  14. 2d It’s due for money overpaid (6)
  15. 3d Wipes – fingerprints (4)
  16. 4d Meat-free fast food (6,6)
  17. 5d One gives a mirror image (7,5)
  18. 6d Full of excitement (6-6)
  19. 7d I forgot he had (anag) – supposed cure for a hangover (4,2,3,3)
  20. 12d One may be awkward – or cool (8)
  21. 15d Big stick (6)
  22. 18d Missile store (4)