8 10 13 16 6 5 19 1 17 2 9 14 3 11 15 4 12 18 7
  1. 5a Bane (4,5)
  2. 8a Fish-hook’s business end (4)
  3. 9a Line created by rising and falling water (8)
  4. 10a Bold (6)
  5. 11a Contraption (6)
  6. 13a Go quickly (up?) (6)
  7. 15a Gusto (6)
  8. 16a 1,000,000,000,000 (8)
  9. 18a Swain (4)
  10. 19a Procession of vehicles carrying politicians, e.g. (9)
  11. 1d Time for a quick cuppa (3,5)
  12. 2d Room for clergy’s robes (6)
  13. 3d Meaty snack sometimes served with mustard (3,3)
  14. 4d Fill (4)
  15. 6d Where speedo found (9)
  16. 7d Fluctuating (9)
  17. 12d Drudge (8)
  18. 14d Camera holder (6)
  19. 15d Italian city with cultural festival La Biennale (6)
  20. 17d Big cat (4)