1 8 10 12 19 21 2 18 3 13 15 4 9 16 5 14 6 17 20 7 11
  1. 1a Leap from plane (9,4)
  2. 8a Vehicle, black in London, yellow in NY (4)
  3. 9a Formal (extended) jacket (8)
  4. 10a Hugely consequential (10)
  5. 12a Damned (6)
  6. 14a Character raised by apes – virile man (6)
  7. 15a Social runt (anag.) (10)
  8. 19a Fragments of exploding shells (8)
  9. 20a Winter Olympics sport (4)
  10. 21a Post held by Cooper, May, Straw, Morrison (4,9)
  11. 2d Of pre-digital timers (8)
  12. 3d Cheerio (5)
  13. 4d Impulsive type (7)
  14. 5d Dance – change in plot (5)
  15. 6d Humorous (7)
  16. 7d Atom (anag.) (4)
  17. 11d Feign sickness (8)
  18. 13d Wurst, eg (7)
  19. 14d Fishing ship (7)
  20. 16d Hint (5)
  21. 17d Baby tawny bird (5)
  22. 18d Sling your hook! (4)