7 14 19 1 9 12 21 2 15 3 11 20 10 4 18 16 5 8 13 6 17
  1. 1a So it seems (10)
  2. 7a Infectious (8)
  3. 8a Thank God? (4)
  4. 9a Follow – behind (4)
  5. 10a Mischievous (7)
  6. 12a Endlessly – find minutia (anag) (2,9)
  7. 14a Pedal-pusher? (7)
  8. 16a Trounce (4)
  9. 19a Fertile ground (4)
  10. 20a Venting of emotion (8)
  11. 21a Reinforce (10)
  12. 1d Convert (5)
  13. 2d Italian opera composer, died 1924 (7)
  14. 3d Spoil (4)
  15. 4d Petty – and annoying (8)
  16. 5d Impudent (5)
  17. 6d There’s absolutely nothing in it (6)
  18. 11d At sea – or abroad (8)
  19. 12d In spite of everything (6)
  20. 13d Finished (with) (7)
  21. 15d Check – cap (5)
  22. 17d Pudding dish (5)
  23. 18d Horned beast (4)