1 9 12 13 17 20 22 11 2 18 3 23 4 10 16 14 8 21 5 6 15 7 19
  1. 1a Sleep-like state sometimes attempted in therapy (8)
  2. 5a Snatch (4)
  3. 9a Shoo! (5)
  4. 10a Hand over (7)
  5. 11a Question posed at the end of October (5,2,5)
  6. 13a Period of greatest success or popularity (6)
  7. 14a Make numb (6)
  8. 17a Slow down and stop working (5,2,1,4)
  9. 20a Change (a word) – vary (a pitch) (7)
  10. 21a New version of a song (5)
  11. 22a Fast-running animal – playwright David (4)
  12. 23a Bound as e.g. bricks (8)
  13. 1d # (4)
  14. 2d Depict (7)
  15. 3d Novel set in America’s Great Depression (2,4,3,3)
  16. 4d Not al fresco (6)
  17. 6d Variety show (5)
  18. 7d Low singing voice (8)
  19. 8d Someone overly keen on fashionable attire (7,5)
  20. 12d Like a violent hooligan (8)
  21. 15d Establish the boundaries of (7)
  22. 16d Pointed beard (6)
  23. 18d Deduce (5)
  24. 19d Cancelled (4)