1 8 10 13 16 20 22 2 3 9 19 17 4 15 14 5 12 11 6 21 7 18
  1. 1a Hairnets yearn (anag.) – water between Sardinia and mainland Italy (10,3)
  2. 8a Christmas sweet? (3)
  3. 9a Scenic and sweeping (9)
  4. 10a Nicked (8)
  5. 11a Voice (4)
  6. 13a __ boot, wheel clamp (in US city?) (6)
  7. 14a Topkapi Palace country – awful film (6)
  8. 16a Ride waves (4)
  9. 17a Fulfilment (8)
  10. 20a Brown, Dartmouth etc (3,6)
  11. 21a Meat (3)
  12. 22a The __, scratched occasionally Monroe film? (5-4,4)
  13. 1d Refill (3-2)
  14. 2d Ballet great (6,7)
  15. 3d Came into being (8)
  16. 4d French city on the Loire (6)
  17. 5d Wary (anag.) (4)
  18. 6d Monroe film where vindaloo is preferred by a few? (4,4,2,3)
  19. 7d Pizza-topping fish (7)
  20. 12d Fletcher Christian, for example (8)
  21. 13d Defrock (7)
  22. 15d Accent (6)
  23. 18d Immature insect form (5)
  24. 19d Silver __, plant symbolic of New Zealand (4)