1 9 11 15 17 21 25 2 12 3 13 20 24 26 4 18 5 16 19 14 8 10 22 6 23 7
  1. 1a WWI shell – firework (5-4)
  2. 8a Writer’s oversight (4)
  3. 9a Brazilian dance (5,4)
  4. 10a Creamy cheese (4)
  5. 13a Japanese writing system based on Chinese (5)
  6. 15a Loafing (6)
  7. 16a Forward surge (6)
  8. 17a Furrow (6)
  9. 19a More unsettling (6)
  10. 20a Survive (5)
  11. 21a Similar (to) (4)
  12. 24a Sluggish (9)
  13. 25a 06/06/1944 (1-3)
  14. 26a People hidden aboard vehicles (9)
  15. 2d Kind of earring (4)
  16. 3d Enthusiasm (4)
  17. 4d Rubbish container (3,3)
  18. 5d Native American (language) (6)
  19. 6d Using e.g. water pressure (9)
  20. 7d Unspecified location (9)
  21. 11d River border between the US and Mexico (3,6)
  22. 12d Devoid of coherence (9)
  23. 13d Scoundrel (5)
  24. 14d Creek or fjord (5)
  25. 18d A dab hand (6)
  26. 19d Steer clear of (6)
  27. 22d Boast – black bird (4)
  28. 23d Crafty (4)