1 9 11 16 18 22 24 13 2 14 3 19 8 12 23 4 25 5 10 15 20 6 21 7 17
  1. 1a Unhealthy atmosphere (6)
  2. 4a Sacred Egyptian insect (6)
  3. 9a Playful composition (7)
  4. 10a Thicket (5)
  5. 11a Arm bones (5)
  6. 12a Shopping cart (7)
  7. 13a Novel about the March family (6,5)
  8. 18a Of a wedding (7)
  9. 20a Broken (5)
  10. 22a Note equivalent in length to 8 crotchets (5)
  11. 23a Sincere (7)
  12. 24a Artificial (6)
  13. 25a Feverish (6)
  14. 1d Wretchedness (6)
  15. 2d Sap-sucking insect (5)
  16. 3d Anti-capitalist (7)
  17. 5d Tree whose seeds are used to make chocolate (5)
  18. 6d Disgust (7)
  19. 7d So long! (3-3)
  20. 8d Southern French city (11)
  21. 14d Dazzle (7)
  22. 15d Charles II’s hiding place (3,4)
  23. 16d Powerless (6)
  24. 17d Motionless (6)
  25. 19d Clumsy (5)
  26. 21d Fold in cloth (5)