1 9 11 15 21 23 12 2 16 3 13 4 8 10 17 22 24 5 18 6 19 14 7 20
  1. 1a Typical (example) (7)
  2. 8a Insistent (7)
  3. 9a Top dog (7)
  4. 10a Simian (7)
  5. 11a Not so bold (5)
  6. 13a Bold (9)
  7. 15a Punters (9)
  8. 18a Relative obscurity? (5)
  9. 21a Pacify (7)
  10. 22a Risky project (7)
  11. 23a Ancient battleship with three banks of oars on each side (7)
  12. 24a (Informal) talks about nothing significant (7)
  13. 1d Baked goods (5)
  14. 2d Vex (5)
  15. 3d Too old to be useful – duenna tears up (anag) (13)
  16. 4d Baseless rumour (6)
  17. 5d Crunchy stem of an aquatic plant, used in Chinese cuisine (5,8)
  18. 6d US actor Al ______, born 1940 (6)
  19. 7d Semiaquatic mammals with long tails and webbed feet (6)
  20. 12d Part of a strawberry or a boat (4)
  21. 14d Pre-loved (4)
  22. 15d Celibate (6)
  23. 16d Suffering (2,4)
  24. 17d Hour before midnight or midday (6)
  25. 19d Heraldic blue (5)
  26. 20d Gambler’s chance to double their initial stake (5)