1 9 11 15 17 21 25 2 12 3 13 20 24 26 4 18 5 16 19 14 8 10 22 6 23 7
  1. 1a Musical calling card (5,4)
  2. 8a Nitrogen-rich compound used as fertiliser (4)
  3. 9a All of us (5,4)
  4. 10a Short cut? (4)
  5. 13a Ballpoint pens (5)
  6. 15a Mixed-up (6)
  7. 16a Moulded (6)
  8. 17a A good look (6)
  9. 19a Way of gaining access – dish (6)
  10. 20a Bottle – neck (5)
  11. 21a Be quiet (4)
  12. 24a Post holder? (6,3)
  13. 25a Garden party (4)
  14. 26a Gives too little money – per Sunday (anag) (9)
  15. 2d Rush, lunch or happy? (4)
  16. 3d Tight (4)
  17. 4d Shameful, dirty (6)
  18. 5d Cheese-topped tortilla chips (6)
  19. 6d Come to light (9)
  20. 7d Live in the moment (5,4)
  21. 11d Temporary, improvised (9)
  22. 12d Hard times (9)
  23. 13d Under way (5)
  24. 14d Excelled (5)
  25. 18d Large fighting force (6)
  26. 19d Progress (6)
  27. 22d Hold – member of camera crew (4)
  28. 23d Deep-bodied fish – flat-bottomed boat (4)