7 9 13 16 5 18 1 10 2 8 15 14 3 12 11 4 17 6
  1. 5a Northern peninsula (11)
  2. 7a Skating arena (4)
  3. 8a Cut of meat on bone – old puppet (4,4)
  4. 9a Horizon arc (7)
  5. 11a Hot (temper?) (5)
  6. 13a Straightforward (5)
  7. 14a Capital of Lithuania (7)
  8. 16a High voice (8)
  9. 17a Trio (anag.) (4)
  10. 18a Stab (someone) in the back (6-5)
  11. 1d Sycamore skin? (4)
  12. 2d Flatter (7)
  13. 3d Japanese cartoon (5)
  14. 4d Banishment (8)
  15. 5d CH (11)
  16. 6d Weight system (11)
  17. 10d Curved surface of liquid, caused by surface tension (8)
  18. 12d Split (7)
  19. 15d Follow – stem (5)
  20. 17d Castle (4)