1 9 12 13 17 20 22 11 2 18 3 23 4 10 16 14 8 21 5 6 15 7 19
  1. 1a Renaissance part-song (8)
  2. 5a 0 (4)
  3. 9a Analyse (5)
  4. 10a Oval (7)
  5. 11a Shopper who acts on instinct (7,5)
  6. 13a Send-up (6)
  7. 14a Acquaintance via correspondence (3,3)
  8. 17a Get by financially (4,4,4)
  9. 20a Muslim (7)
  10. 21a Join (5)
  11. 22a Crikey! (4)
  12. 23a Steered clear of (8)
  13. 1d Disguise (4)
  14. 2d Percussionist (7)
  15. 3d That will never happen! (2,4,6)
  16. 4d Discrimination (6)
  17. 6d Vacant (5)
  18. 7d Decide against (8)
  19. 8d Tattler (12)
  20. 12d Sending unwanted mail (8)
  21. 15d Film trailer, e.g. (7)
  22. 16d Decrees (6)
  23. 18d Highland dress (5)
  24. 19d Small quantity of sweat, say (4)