7 9 13 16 5 18 1 10 2 8 15 14 3 12 11 4 17 6
  1. 5a ... on Hansel's trail? (11)
  2. 7a Pit, bus or full (4)
  3. 8a Watchful individual (8)
  4. 9a Sign of protest? (7)
  5. 11a Go downhill (5)
  6. 13a Deal (5)
  7. 14a Put (a weapon) into a close-fitting cover (7)
  8. 16a Cook's measure (8)
  9. 17a Mint family plant, grown for its nutritious seeds (4)
  10. 18a Early 20th-century battleship (11)
  11. 1d Take a quick look (4)
  12. 2d Temporarily suspend (proceedings) (7)
  13. 3d Guardianship (5)
  14. 4d General protection (8)
  15. 5d Scene of intense conflict (11)
  16. 6d Extravagant individual (11)
  17. 10d It's got 32 pieces (5,3)
  18. 12d French number (7)
  19. 15d Fawn (5)
  20. 17d It creates a confined space (4)