8 10 13 16 6 5 19 1 17 2 9 14 3 11 15 4 12 18 7
  1. 5a Shredded (2,7)
  2. 8a Hindu philosophy master (4)
  3. 9a Kind of paint (8)
  4. 10a From the USSR (6)
  5. 11a Caress (6)
  6. 13a The power to act (6)
  7. 15a Cook's instructions (6)
  8. 16a Elementary particle (8)
  9. 18a Dissolute fellow (4)
  10. 19a Sweet drink from Taiwan (6,3)
  11. 1d Imagine (8)
  12. 2d Bewail (6)
  13. 3d Prances proudly (6)
  14. 4d 1980s band formed by the Goss twins (4)
  15. 6d Treasure at the end of the rainbow (3,2,4)
  16. 7d Jewish Day of Atonement (3,6)
  17. 12d Wind instrument (8)
  18. 14d Nigerian language (6)
  19. 15d Substance used for curdling milk (6)
  20. 17d Essence (4)