1 9 11 16 18 22 24 13 2 14 3 19 8 12 23 4 25 5 10 15 20 6 21 7 17
  1. 1a Feline motor? (6)
  2. 4a Fragrant resinous substance (6)
  3. 9a Fragile (7)
  4. 10a Large (watery?) amount (5)
  5. 11a Eclipse (5)
  6. 12a Kid no longer crawling (7)
  7. 13a Unexpected blow (6,5)
  8. 18a Gag (7)
  9. 20a Pamper (5)
  10. 22a Blackish wood (5)
  11. 23a Letter receiver? (7)
  12. 24a Cavalry soldier with a long spearlike weapon (6)
  13. 25a Run through (6)
  14. 1d Variety of items sold together (3,3)
  15. 2d Remorse (5)
  16. 3d Creative piece(s) (7)
  17. 5d Audibly (5)
  18. 6d Old gramophone material (7)
  19. 7d 'Om', say (6)
  20. 8d OT book – Eliot's cat 'famous in proverb and famous in rhyme' (11)
  21. 14d Fantastically successful startup company (7)
  22. 15d Free (7)
  23. 16d Tell – as a sow? (6)
  24. 17d Magic potion (6)
  25. 19d Herb topping Levantine bread etc (5)
  26. 21d Curved lake alongside meandering river (5)