1 8 10 15 17 21 23 2 12 18 3 13 9 19 4 24 5 11 20 22 6 14 7 16
  1. 1a Organise into a system (6)
  2. 4a Consumed (4,2)
  3. 8a Australian tennis great (5)
  4. 9a Spat (7)
  5. 10a Italian composer, d. 1835 (7)
  6. 11a Recipient of money (5)
  7. 12a Stealer of money (9)
  8. 17a Shin bone (5)
  9. 19a Hostility between the Soviet Union and the West (4,3)
  10. 21a Story set earlier than one already published (7)
  11. 22a Work by 10, say (5)
  12. 23a Tree — part of London's Tower Hamlets (6)
  13. 24a Musical potpourri (6)
  14. 1d Stars (6)
  15. 2d Reveal (7)
  16. 3d Iranian official language (5)
  17. 5d Theatrical knife (7)
  18. 6d Unethical (informal) (5)
  19. 7d Cause of hay fever (6)
  20. 9d Perplexed (9)
  21. 13d Showy technical skill (7)
  22. 14d Unfair outcome (3,4)
  23. 15d Move to a higher level (4,2)
  24. 16d International accord (6)
  25. 18d Sound that prevents what was actually said being heard (5)
  26. 20d Baggy (5)