1 9 11 16 18 22 24 13 2 14 3 19 8 12 23 4 25 5 10 15 20 6 21 7 17
  1. 1a Send word (6)
  2. 4a Ornamental flowering plants (6)
  3. 9a German cathedral city and river port on the Rhine (7)
  4. 10a Broadcast (5)
  5. 11a Cowboy's rope (5)
  6. 12a Scott Joplin's kind of music (7)
  7. 13a A reason to be annoyed with someone (1,4,2,4)
  8. 18a Hide (7)
  9. 20a Blood of the Greek gods (5)
  10. 22a Sully (5)
  11. 23a Hard to pin down (7)
  12. 24a Instruction for actors to leave the stage (6)
  13. 25a Numberless (6)
  14. 1d In an attractive way (6)
  15. 2d Powwows (5)
  16. 3d Warning signal for ships (7)
  17. 5d Sound of a plucked guitar string (5)
  18. 6d Of the heart (7)
  19. 7d Wet through (6)
  20. 8d Sherlock Holmes's hat (11)
  21. 14d Centre of attraction on 5 November (7)
  22. 15d Basic — essential (7)
  23. 16d Reaper's implement (6)
  24. 17d Chandler, Monica or Rachel? (6)
  25. 19d Ingested (5)
  26. 21d Swiss German girl, heroine of a 1880/81 novel and some 25 film and TV productions (5)