7 9 16 17 20 22 1 12 13 2 18 3 10 23 8 11 21 4 14 19 5 15 6
  1. 1a Small Far East boat, propelled with one or two oars at the back (6)
  2. 4a Custom (5)
  3. 7a Crooner, say (6)
  4. 8a Single digit (6)
  5. 9a Largest organ of the human body (4)
  6. 10a 4 down feature hanging behind head (8)
  7. 12a Entrance to Heaven? (6,5)
  8. 17a Board and 32 pieces needed to play a game requiring strategic skill (5,3)
  9. 19a That was painful! (4)
  10. 20a Blasted — repaired by sewing (6)
  11. 21a Song of devotion, loyalty or praise (6)
  12. 22a Internationally famous yachting centre on the Isle of Wight (5)
  13. 23a Made use of a Microsoft voice, video and messaging app (6)
  14. 1d Act of armed robbery (5-2)
  15. 2d Shade of crimson — name tag (anag) (7)
  16. 3d Citadel in ancient Greek towns (9)
  17. 4d Dangerous and/or frightening (5)
  18. 5d Target for those on safari with rifles (3,4)
  19. 6d Reptile like a tortoise (6)
  20. 11d Person who likes to be most active during the hours of darkness (9)
  21. 13d One of a pair just below the forehead (7)
  22. 14d Old-time ballroom dance — wet tops (anag) (3-4)
  23. 15d Attain a desired goal (7)
  24. 16d Bitter tasting (6)
  25. 18d Reading glasses (abbr) (5)