7 14 19 1 9 12 21 2 15 3 11 20 10 4 18 16 5 8 13 6 17
  1. 1a Analysis of strategies in terms gains and losses in competitive situations (4,6)
  2. 7a Be Macron? (anag) (8)
  3. 8a Bit of foliage (4)
  4. 9a Curse (4)
  5. 10a Ghost (7)
  6. 12a Object vocally (4,2,1,4)
  7. 14a Avoiding food (7)
  8. 16a eg March 15 in ancient Rome (4)
  9. 19a Cajole (4)
  10. 20a Area for journalists dealing with current affairs (8)
  11. 21a Tasks for pupils (10)
  12. 1d Swedish-American film actress, whose last film appeared in 1942, d. aged 84 in 1990 (5)
  13. 2d Imitative (7)
  14. 3d General atmosphere of a place or situation (4)
  15. 4d Paragon (8)
  16. 5d Ancient artefact (5)
  17. 6d The ___ and the Carpenter (Lewis Carroll) (6)
  18. 11d Become (4,4)
  19. 12d Old car horn (6)
  20. 13d Cook insufficiently (7)
  21. 15d Very unpleasant and provocative (5)
  22. 17d Half-Vulcan Star Trek character (5)
  23. 18d Missing without authorisation (4)