1 9 11 15 21 23 12 2 16 3 13 4 8 10 17 22 24 5 18 6 19 14 7 20
  1. 1a Half way through a pregnancy (7)
  2. 8a Not a lot! (1,6)
  3. 9a Imaginary cause of a malfunction (7)
  4. 10a Respiratory aid (7)
  5. 11a Group that sings in a church (5)
  6. 13a Teach through insistent repetition (9)
  7. 15a Mix-up (9)
  8. 18a Chart (5)
  9. 21a Describe in detail (7)
  10. 22a Belief that things should be run by a small group of superior people (7)
  11. 23a Music that introduces an act in an opera (7)
  12. 24a 1988 film starring Bruce Willis (3,4) — one strongly opposing change (7)
  13. 1d Very good! (informal) (5)
  14. 2d Caused by (3,2)
  15. 3d US national motto before 'In God We Trust' (Latin) (1,8,4)
  16. 4d Obsessive fanatic (6)
  17. 5d Publication awarding stars to eateries (8,5)
  18. 6d Silvio Berlusconi's Italy (6)
  19. 7d Edict (6)
  20. 12d 19th-century French novelist and poet (4)
  21. 14d Work for a short period (4)
  22. 15d Unsettling (6)
  23. 16d Italian sea port (after seeing it, then you can die) (6)
  24. 17d Certainly (6)
  25. 19d Jung's 'inner self' — mania (anag) (5)
  26. 20d Warm and damp (5)