1 8 10 13 17 21 24 2 18 3 12 11 4 16 22 14 5 9 20 19 6 15 7 23
  1. 1a Very disappointed (4,2,1,6)
  2. 8a Wide open (7)
  3. 9a Argue (anag) (5)
  4. 10a Dirty (4)
  5. 11a Totally inept (8)
  6. 13a Long cream puff (6)
  7. 14a Oldest French national newspaper (6)
  8. 17a Heavy twilled cotton (8)
  9. 19a Male horse kept for breeding (4)
  10. 21a Trump (5)
  11. 22a Holy smoke! (7)
  12. 24a Game for putters but not drivers (9,4)
  13. 1d For example (3)
  14. 2d American who herds cattle (7)
  15. 3d Central line (4)
  16. 4d South-west African country, an ex-Portuguese colony (6)
  17. 5d University faculty member (8)
  18. 6d Reprobate (5)
  19. 7d Doorway (9)
  20. 10d Turkish bath chamber (5,4)
  21. 12d Body of Jews outside modern Israel (8)
  22. 15d Shakespeare's merchant of Venice (7)
  23. 16d Social surroundings (6)
  24. 18d Old Italian? (5)
  25. 20d Hurt feeling? (4)
  26. 23d Pixie (3)