7 9 11 14 18 21 1 24 2 12 3 19 22 4 13 17 15 5 16 20 6 10 23 8
  1. 1a Wimbledon's main arena (6,5)
  2. 9a Shocked and angry (9)
  3. 10a Owing (3)
  4. 11a Piece of garlic (5)
  5. 13a One employed on domestic duties (sometimes humble) (7)
  6. 14a Sign up (6)
  7. 15a Facsimile machine (6)
  8. 18a Stronger — more vigorous (7)
  9. 20a End of a piece of wood shaped to form a mortise joint (5)
  10. 21a Hard-shelled seed (3)
  11. 22a De nada! (2,7)
  12. 24a Continuous network of towns — plans rub raw (anag) (5,6)
  13. 2d It can be loose or dead (3)
  14. 3d Wild cat (7)
  15. 4d Move on (6)
  16. 5d Route (anag) (5)
  17. 6d Energy transmitted in the form of rays or waves (9)
  18. 7d Where the washing-up gets done? (7,4)
  19. 8d Fifth book of the Old Testament (11)
  20. 12d Device that removes impurities from lubricant (3,6)
  21. 16d Alfresco (7)
  22. 17d Searches blindly (6)
  23. 19d Carbonated soft drinks created by Coca-Cola Deutschland (5)
  24. 23d Rule (3)