7 9 13 16 5 18 1 10 2 8 15 14 3 12 11 4 17 6
  1. 5a Peripatetic (anag) — trigger (11)
  2. 7a Lump — oaf (4)
  3. 8a Impressive performer (5,3)
  4. 9a Very keen to do something (7)
  5. 11a Lacking originality (5)
  6. 13a Disdain (5)
  7. 14a Small scented bouquet — eg say no (anag) (7)
  8. 16a Succinct joke (3-5)
  9. 17a Invent (a new word, say) (4)
  10. 18a Use (11)
  11. 1d Give, but want back in due course (4)
  12. 2d Gene ___ , US rockabilly pioneer, d. 1971. (7)
  13. 3d Urgently needed (5)
  14. 4d Sicken (8)
  15. 5d Educational institution in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, allowed new university status after 1992 (11)
  16. 6d Shocked expression? (11)
  17. 10d Extremely strict (8)
  18. 12d Crooked (7)
  19. 15d Stool pigeon — not us! (anag) (5)
  20. 17d Child's bed with wooden slatted sides (4)