7 9 16 17 20 22 1 12 13 2 18 3 10 23 8 11 21 4 14 19 5 15 6
  1. 1a Small Australian parakeet (6)
  2. 4a Grassy area (5)
  3. 7a Time machines (6)
  4. 8a Excluded (6)
  5. 9a Above (4)
  6. 10a Trustworthy (8)
  7. 12a Modern taste (anag) — show (11)
  8. 17a Prognosticate (8)
  9. 19a Category (4)
  10. 20a Not clear (6)
  11. 21a Tool for boring holes (6)
  12. 22a Fists (informal) (5)
  13. 23a Provides entertainment (6)
  14. 1d Dear one (7)
  15. 2d Seemliness (7)
  16. 3d Protection against risk (9)
  17. 4d Title of respect for a Hindu religious teacher (5)
  18. 5d Entertainer who performs gymnastic feats (7)
  19. 6d Avoided (6)
  20. 11d Kind of lettuce (6,3)
  21. 13d Assign to a particular activity (7)
  22. 14d Occasionally (2,5)
  23. 15d Put into words (7)
  24. 16d Yield (6)
  25. 18d Surgical appliance (5)