1 9 12 13 17 20 22 11 2 18 3 23 4 10 16 14 8 21 5 6 15 7 19
  1. 1a Buy (8)
  2. 5a Philosopher and economist, John Stuart ___ , d. 1873 (4)
  3. 9a High-spirited escapade (5)
  4. 10a Foes (7)
  5. 11a Your elephant (anag) — synthetic resin (12)
  6. 13a Liquid applied to the skin (6)
  7. 14a Nervous — tense (2,4)
  8. 17a Equally skilful with either hand (12)
  9. 20a Capital of Georgia (7)
  10. 21a Stylishness (5)
  11. 22a Playthings (4)
  12. 23a One making a will (8)
  13. 1d Agreement (4)
  14. 2d Harmonious relationship (7)
  15. 3d Renowned escapologist (5,7)
  16. 4d Fortified wine (6)
  17. 6d Spanish Mediterranean island (5)
  18. 7d Made smaller (8)
  19. 8d London football club, founded 1881 (6,6)
  20. 12d Enjoyable (8)
  21. 15d Man's close-fitting padded jacket worn in Shakespeare's time (with hose) (7)
  22. 16d Breathe out (6)
  23. 18d Large and unwieldy (5)
  24. 19d Commotion (4)