1 8 10 12 19 21 2 18 3 13 15 4 9 16 5 14 6 17 20 7 11
  1. 1a Think too little of — me, nude artiste (anag) (13)
  2. 8a Hold tightly (4)
  3. 9a Dip made of black olives, capers and anchovies (8)
  4. 10a One of those carrying the coffin (10)
  5. 12a Plant protection — woman's hat (6)
  6. 14a BBC 1990s sitcom written by and starring Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson (6)
  7. 15a White House feature close to the Oval Office (4,6)
  8. 19a Ornamental shrub or tree — a long aim (anag) (8)
  9. 20a Forbid (4)
  10. 21a Distance around the Earth, say (13)
  11. 2d In the usual course of events (8)
  12. 3d Force to leave (5)
  13. 4d Acute (7)
  14. 5d Diminish (5)
  15. 6d Mosque tower (7)
  16. 7d Rise and fall in sea level (4)
  17. 11d Household (8)
  18. 13d Ingrained (7)
  19. 14d Traveller's things (7)
  20. 16d Oregon's capital (5)
  21. 17d Beyond the Fringe, for instance (5)
  22. 18d Gully in north Africa that remains dry except during rainy season (4)