7 9 16 17 20 22 1 12 13 2 18 3 10 23 8 11 21 4 14 19 5 15 6
  1. 1a Bit of an old dinosaur! (6)
  2. 4a Small plant-sucking insect (5)
  3. 7a Potential danger (6)
  4. 8a Ascetic Hindu holy man (6)
  5. 9a Large seaweed with long, tough stalks (4)
  6. 10a Surprisingly easy task (8)
  7. 12a Things that read like 'senile felines' (11)
  8. 17a Ta! (5,3)
  9. 19a Svelte (4)
  10. 20a Positively charged subatomic particle (6)
  11. 21a Spirited (6)
  12. 22a Live (5)
  13. 23a Campanile (6)
  14. 1d Sudden outburst (5-2)
  15. 2d Surgical knife (7)
  16. 3d Improper act (9)
  17. 4d Wide open (5)
  18. 5d Supply water (7)
  19. 6d Habitual drinkers (6)
  20. 11d Ballyhoo (9)
  21. 13d Served with ice cream on top or at the side (1,2,4)
  22. 14d Old breed of powerful smooth-coated animal, often used as guard dogs (7)
  23. 15d Fast (7)
  24. 16d Mindless (6)
  25. 18d Small natural hill (5)