1 8 11 14 18 20 22 2 19 17 10 3 9 4 16 15 5 21 23 6 12 7 13
  1. 1a Moral evil (4)
  2. 3a Exaggerated masculinity (8)
  3. 8a Mixture of butter and flour used in cooking (4)
  4. 9a Chequer board game (8)
  5. 11a In difficulties (2,3,5)
  6. 14a Consequence (6)
  7. 15a Go red in the face (6)
  8. 17a Sunflower — lush in heat (anag) (10)
  9. 20a Colourless fruit brandy (3,2,3)
  10. 21a Yorkshire port city on the Humber (4)
  11. 22a Fletcher Christian, for example (8)
  12. 23a River Thames at Oxford (4)
  13. 1d Morally good (8)
  14. 2d Titled lady (8)
  15. 4d ___ borealis (6)
  16. 5d Not able to go out (10)
  17. 6d Area of central London (4)
  18. 7d Depose (4)
  19. 10d Show Boat composer, d. 1945 (6,4)
  20. 12d Riding breeches (8)
  21. 13d Short stiff hairs (8)
  22. 16d Perceive intuitively — coming from God (6)
  23. 18d Cooperative group (4)
  24. 19d Bankrupt (informal) (4)