1 9 12 13 17 20 22 11 2 18 3 23 4 10 16 14 8 21 5 6 15 7 19
  1. 1a Unthreatening (8)
  2. 5a Reverse (4)
  3. 9a Get punished (3,2)
  4. 10a Proportionately (3,4)
  5. 11a Long prison term (4,8)
  6. 13a It's up for debate (6)
  7. 14a Strong effect (6)
  8. 17a High fashion (5,7)
  9. 20a Come after (7)
  10. 21a Religion is 'the ___ of the people' (Karl Marx) (5)
  11. 22a Severe respiratory disease, first identified in 2003 (4)
  12. 23a Logically sound (8)
  13. 1d Bumpkin (4)
  14. 2d Not a first edition (7)
  15. 3d Means of getting into correspondence (6,6)
  16. 4d Evening meal (6)
  17. 6d Adapt one's behaviour in the light of experience (5)
  18. 7d Reproductive organ in the human uterus (8)
  19. 8d Put on costume (anag) — showing disdain (12)
  20. 12d Extra stress (8)
  21. 15d Call before a court to answer an indictment (7)
  22. 16d Cook in hot (not boiling) water (6)
  23. 18d Slow-healing sore (5)
  24. 19d In the thick of (4)