1 8 10 12 19 21 2 18 3 13 15 4 9 16 5 14 6 17 20 7 11
  1. 1a It has good and bad sides (5,8)
  2. 8a Strike (a toe) against an object (4)
  3. 9a Set of bells in a tower (8)
  4. 10a One with three siblings (10)
  5. 12a Transport for the departed (6)
  6. 14a Brimmed hat with an indented crown (6)
  7. 15a Source of stimulation (not instant!) (6,4)
  8. 19a Abrasive scourer (4,4)
  9. 20a Neighbourhood (4)
  10. 21a Human — family (5,3,5)
  11. 2d Gatecrasher (8)
  12. 3d Implant (5)
  13. 4d ___ the Night, 1978 Bruce Springsteen and Patti Smith song (7)
  14. 5d Sign up (5)
  15. 6d Paid tribute to (7)
  16. 7d Gas used in illuminated signs (4)
  17. 11d An O'Brien (anag) — English composer, record producer and theorist, b. 1948 (5,3)
  18. 13d Bone disorder caused by vitamin D deficiency (7)
  19. 14d Stoked (7)
  20. 16d Plant life (in a particular 20) (5)
  21. 17d Scrap (5)
  22. 18d Setting control (4)