8 10 13 16 6 5 19 1 17 2 9 14 3 11 15 4 12 18 7
  1. 5a From Montevideo? (9)
  2. 8a Prestidigitator's stick (4)
  3. 9a Senior official of the House of Lords (5,3)
  4. 10a Cultural environment in which something develops (6)
  5. 11a Vandalise (6)
  6. 13a Tiny swimmer (6)
  7. 15a Small mollusc (6)
  8. 16a Tour of watering holes? (3,5)
  9. 18a Somewhat (1,3)
  10. 19a Vehicle with large tyres for use on sand (4,5)
  11. 1d American football playing field (8)
  12. 2d Holder for hens' products (6)
  13. 3d Deliberately misleading report (6)
  14. 4d Support (4)
  15. 6d Predatory (9)
  16. 7d Ceramic ware (9)
  17. 12d Spanish dance — a fond nag (anag) (8)
  18. 14d Ship used for deep-sea hunting (6)
  19. 15d Done by design (6)
  20. 17d Heart of the matter (4)