1 9 11 15 21 23 12 2 16 3 13 4 8 10 17 22 24 5 18 6 19 14 7 20
  1. 1a Skeleton of older motor vehicles (7)
  2. 8a Beat easily — recount (anag) (7)
  3. 9a Expected to be warm and dry (3,4)
  4. 10a Demanding considerable mental effort and skill (7)
  5. 11a California-based multinational IT company (5)
  6. 13a Container for cold cubes (3,6)
  7. 15a Poetry without regular rhythm (4,5)
  8. 18a Part of the body gazed at by those engaged in complacent self-absorption (5)
  9. 21a Black bird 'of Rheims' which was canonised as Saint Jem Crow (7)
  10. 22a List (7)
  11. 23a South American monkey (7)
  12. 24a Underground pipe carrying flammable substance (3,4)
  13. 1d Spanish seaside (5)
  14. 2d Misbehave (3,2)
  15. 3d 1978 'shoot ’em up' arcade game developed by Tomohiro Nishikado (5,8)
  16. 4d Attack ground targets from a low-flying plane (6)
  17. 5d Elizabeth I (4,5,4)
  18. 6d Open a bottle of wine (6)
  19. 7d One-room accommodation (6)
  20. 12d Henry VIII's sixth wife (4)
  21. 14d Tranquil rest (4)
  22. 15d Tex-Mex dish of grilled meat served as a taco on a tortilla (6)
  23. 16d Lodge (6)
  24. 17d Having a dispute (6)
  25. 19d Here it is! (5)
  26. 20d Stay in bed in the morning (3-2)