7 9 13 16 5 18 1 10 2 8 15 14 3 12 11 4 17 6
  1. 5a Praiseworthy (11)
  2. 7a Increase suddenly and significantly (4)
  3. 8a Turncoat (8)
  4. 9a Absent (7)
  5. 11a Veracity (5)
  6. 13a Rigid part of a bicycle (5)
  7. 14a Author of The Jungle Book (7)
  8. 16a News report (8)
  9. 17a Animal with kids? (4)
  10. 18a Utter obscenities (informal) (3,3,5)
  11. 1d Light two-wheeled carriage (4)
  12. 2d Looking fixedly (7)
  13. 3d Inebriated (5)
  14. 4d Bad comic verse (8)
  15. 5d Montmartre nightspot (6,5)
  16. 6d Area of Czechoslovakia ceded to Germany by the Munich Agreement, 1938 (11)
  17. 10d Make less complex (8)
  18. 12d Mock title for a self-important man (3,4)
  19. 15d Unit of weight (5)
  20. 17d Walking or running speed (4)