7 14 19 1 9 12 21 2 15 3 11 20 10 4 18 16 5 8 13 6 17
  1. 1a Occurring after death (10)
  2. 7a Source of government revenue (8)
  3. 8a Component (4)
  4. 9a Nymph who loved Narcissus (4)
  5. 10a Ceremonial staff (7)
  6. 12a Fitting (11)
  7. 14a Go before (7)
  8. 16a Fragment broken off (4)
  9. 19a Stitch (4)
  10. 20a One who worries others needlessly (8)
  11. 21a Bribe — a dark bench (anag) (10)
  12. 1d Identify — station (5)
  13. 2d Road accident (5-2)
  14. 3d Frozen rain (4)
  15. 4d Cosmetic treatment (8)
  16. 5d Seize possession of (5)
  17. 6d Penetrate with a sharp instrument (6)
  18. 11d Refrain (4,4)
  19. 12d Respiratory tract (6)
  20. 13d Sorry (7)
  21. 15d Dance in a line (5)
  22. 17d Show-off (5)
  23. 18d Early 20th-century avant-garde art movement (4)