1 8 11 14 18 20 22 2 19 17 10 3 9 4 16 15 5 21 23 6 12 7 13
  1. 1a Farm building (4)
  2. 3a Martinet (8)
  3. 8a Obligation (4)
  4. 9a Reprimanded (8)
  5. 11a Go faster (10)
  6. 14a Duration (6)
  7. 15a On fire (6)
  8. 17a Totally in bits (10)
  9. 20a Consider comprehensively (8)
  10. 21a Riot (anag) (4)
  11. 22a In a careful manner (8)
  12. 23a Musical composition (4)
  13. 1d Willing to obey (8)
  14. 2d Close-lipped (8)
  15. 4d Samovar (3,3)
  16. 5d Give in (10)
  17. 6d Unwilling to obey (4)
  18. 7d Ill-mannered (4)
  19. 10d Very popular (informal) (3,3,4)
  20. 12d Culturally delivered political propaganda — a top grip (anag) (8)
  21. 13d Scholarly (8)
  22. 16d Person totally subordinated by another (6)
  23. 18d Large pointed tooth (4)
  24. 19d Made up (a yarn) (4)