1 8 10 12 19 21 2 18 3 13 15 4 9 16 5 14 6 17 20 7 11
  1. 1a Empathy (6,7)
  2. 8a Acidic (4)
  3. 9a Bullying (8)
  4. 10a Doing good (10)
  5. 12a Long and tedious list (6)
  6. 14a Licence — license (6)
  7. 15a Inviolable (10)
  8. 19a Housing for a ship's compass (8)
  9. 20a Leave suddenly and in a hurry (4)
  10. 21a Legislative (13)
  11. 2d Arcane — coteries (anag) (8)
  12. 3d Little's late partner (5)
  13. 4d With humour (7)
  14. 5d Dodge — duck (5)
  15. 6d Barge (more likely to float?) (7)
  16. 7d Cause minor annoyance (4)
  17. 11d Widely-distributed notice (8)
  18. 13d London premiership football team (7)
  19. 14d One supported by a person of greater experience (7)
  20. 16d Hot drink (5)
  21. 17d Monastery superior (5)
  22. 18d High-maintenance opera singer? (4)