7 14 19 1 9 12 21 2 15 3 11 20 10 4 18 16 5 8 13 6 17
  1. 1a Community of women (10)
  2. 7a Huge (8)
  3. 8a Mischievous children (4)
  4. 9a Sound of thunder (4)
  5. 10a Chic (7)
  6. 12a Interpret wrongly (11)
  7. 14a Shelf support (7)
  8. 16a Electrical SI unit named after a pioneering Italian physicist, d. 1827 (4)
  9. 19a Slender (4)
  10. 20a School holiday (4-4)
  11. 21a Off guard (10)
  12. 1d Pry (5)
  13. 2d Citizens of Bratislava, say (7)
  14. 3d Simple (4)
  15. 4d Unable to manage independently (8)
  16. 5d Due (5)
  17. 6d Aquatic invertebrate — type of cake (6)
  18. 11d In conjunction (8)
  19. 12d Hard crystalline limestone used for sculptures (6)
  20. 13d Farmyard fowl (7)
  21. 15d Spice used in chilli and curry powder (5)
  22. 17d Weary (5)
  23. 18d Sound of thunder (4)