1 9 11 15 17 21 25 2 12 3 13 20 24 26 4 18 5 16 19 14 8 10 22 6 23 7
  1. 1a Owned up (9)
  2. 8a Husks of cereal seeds sifted from flour (4)
  3. 9a Continued (7,2)
  4. 10a On this spot (4)
  5. 13a Hold forth at length (5)
  6. 15a Eerie (6)
  7. 16a Wedge-shaped bone forming the back part of the pelvis (6)
  8. 17a Rebellion (6)
  9. 19a Fame (6)
  10. 20a Cabs (5)
  11. 21a Scruff of the neck (4)
  12. 24a Pleasant (9)
  13. 25a Coarsely ground grain (4)
  14. 26a Artificial international language devised in 1887 (9)
  15. 2d Sultanate on the south-east coast of the Arabian Peninsula (4)
  16. 3d Divide into two or more branches (4)
  17. 4d Somnolent (6)
  18. 5d Mass departure (6)
  19. 6d Place for actors to relax with their friends (5,4)
  20. 7d Burial (9)
  21. 11d Study of heavenly bodies (9)
  22. 12d Shop early (anag) — tomfoolery (9)
  23. 13d Strapped for cash (5)
  24. 14d Stories (5)
  25. 18d River flowing into the Bay of Bengal (6)
  26. 19d Choice cut of beefsteak (6)
  27. 22d Buddhist monk (4)
  28. 23d Silly billy (4)