1 9 11 15 17 21 25 2 12 3 13 20 24 26 4 18 5 16 19 14 8 10 22 6 23 7
  1. 1a Highly detailed (9)
  2. 8a Repast (4)
  3. 9a Keep down costs (9)
  4. 10a Where the altar is found in a church (4)
  5. 13a Precipitous (5)
  6. 15a Dissimilar (6)
  7. 16a Legal (6)
  8. 17a Board ship (6)
  9. 19a Small restaurant (6)
  10. 20a Reasonable judgement (5)
  11. 21a Rowing team (4)
  12. 24a Trembled (9)
  13. 25a Christmas (4)
  14. 26a Full stiff petticoat worn under a skirt (9)
  15. 2d Shortage (4)
  16. 3d Explosion (4)
  17. 4d Stand-offish (6)
  18. 5d Ornamental tuft of threads (6)
  19. 6d Take a silly risk (5,4)
  20. 7d Aristocratic descent (4,5)
  21. 11d Inactive — quit scene (anag) (9)
  22. 12d Walloped (9)
  23. 13d Sound of the bagpipes (5)
  24. 14d Lose one's cool (5)
  25. 18d Genuine and legitimate (informal) (6)
  26. 19d Commanded (6)
  27. 22d Prison accommodation (4)
  28. 23d Shaped as with an axe (4)