1 8 10 13 16 20 22 2 3 9 19 17 4 15 14 5 12 11 6 21 7 18
  1. 1a Careful thought (13)
  2. 8a Be unwell (3)
  3. 9a Release of pent-up emotions (9)
  4. 10a Defeated decisively (8)
  5. 11a Feverish chill (4)
  6. 13a Strike repeatedly with the fists (6)
  7. 14a Marred (6)
  8. 16a Come down to earth (4)
  9. 17a Metal used in strong lightweight alloys (8)
  10. 20a Swiss skeleton toboggan track (6,3)
  11. 21a Fuss (3)
  12. 22a Bitter verbal quarrel (8,5)
  13. 1d Shoreline (5)
  14. 2d South African president, d. 2013 (6,7)
  15. 3d Enraged (8)
  16. 4d (Of two) no matter which (6)
  17. 5d __ Smith, author of The Wealth of Nations (4)
  18. 6d Piddling (13)
  19. 7d Not a problem! (informal) (2,5)
  20. 12d Pale peat moss — human GPs (anag) (8)
  21. 13d Royal residences (7)
  22. 15d One millionth of a metre (6)
  23. 18d Loiter listlessly (5)
  24. 19d Adult male red deer (4)