7 9 11 14 18 21 1 24 2 12 3 19 22 4 13 17 15 5 16 20 6 10 23 8
  1. 1a Speed (11)
  2. 9a Ancestral (anag) — English royal house (9)
  3. 10a Despicable person (3)
  4. 11a Measurement around the waist (5)
  5. 13a Taking everything into account (7)
  6. 14a Big cats (6)
  7. 15a Official writer (6)
  8. 18a Patent medicine (7)
  9. 20a Fragment (5)
  10. 21a Polite term of address for a man (3)
  11. 22a Involving part payment (2,7)
  12. 24a Causing discouragement (11)
  13. 2d Chap (3)
  14. 3d Moorland plant (7)
  15. 4d Military pageant (6)
  16. 5d Colin Dexter's fictional detective (5)
  17. 6d Story (9)
  18. 7d Acting more from whim than reason — self-insight (anag) (11)
  19. 8d Whatever happens (2,3,6)
  20. 12d University administrator — hospital doctor (9)
  21. 16d Imitator (7)
  22. 17d Make less effective (6)
  23. 19d Accommodation (5)
  24. 23d Vase-like vessel (3)